Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011

Bolen Lareza : Best Child Cosplayer

Our next cosplayer starts the hobby at a very young age. And together with the support of her family nothing is imposible.

 Hello Bolen, Kindly Introduce yourself?

Hi Anime Cosplay Readers!, im Bolen Gabrielle N. Lareza, my friends call me Bolen.

2. What are your hobbies, favorite top three anime and games, first cosplay appearance in events, commercial, movies, awards?

My top 3 favorite anime's are Dragon Ball Z, (me and my papa's fav), i liked hikaru shidou of Magic Knight Rayearth, though i only watch it on the internet, Slamdunk (i like hanamichi sakuragi) disney movies specially Mulan, im playing Grand Chase Online, Monster Hunter Freedom 2, and Left for Dead (kinda scary, cant play without my papa), Plants vesus Zombies, and games from friv and y8.. Oh!.. thats more than 3..hihihi
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