Jumat, 20 Mei 2011


I'm the worst blogger ever. I've barely given blogger any attention what so ever. I apologize AGAIN. I also apologize for the long wait you'll be having after this post too....

Fanime is a week away and I am slightly freaking out. Just slightly. Nothing is 100 complete. Oh wait--I LIED. Bridget is complete....except for the wig thing I'm not sure which one I'll use... I have the choice of my own or a friend of mine. I like the color of hers but I like how mine has the right bangs. *Sigh* Choices, choices.......

I'll be taking Kai, Agitha, Rikku and Bridget to Fanime so yaaay! I have some photoshoots lined up.....and I am excited! I feel a bit anxious but like last time it'll subside once I see all the awesome costumes and people *~* Ahhhh I just always have fun at conventions! w000t.~ I hope to see some of you there :)


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