I'm continuing that on my Blog. Recently on my Facebook Fan page ( I asked for fans to send in their questions and the emails poured in. You asked and now I have answered!
Big Bad Wolf asks: Why did you drop out of the Zenescope Girl of the Year contest? What happend?
Victoria: I no longer wished to be affliated with Zenescope for a variety of reasons and didn't want to attend the San Diego show on their behalf if I won. My reasons were personal and I have never made them public because that would be unprofessional although I have told several individuals in private. I'm still friends with some of the company's talent but not the company itself. As everyone knows I ended up attending the 2010 San Diego Comic Con on behalf of the prestigious Gentle Giant Studios, and and recieved media attenion from Spike TV, G4 tv, Esquire, the Hollywood Reporter, San Diego's Fox channel and dozens of comic based sites. I was extermely honored and truly feel nothing could have matched that experience and the amazing people I got to work with. And to take part in the famous Slave Leia gathering; how can you top that??
Paul asks: Why don't you write for Major Spoilers anymore?
Victoria: My personal life got very hectic and I work as a full time preschool teacher and part time model. Although I love writing and miss it, I was burnt out and simply didn't have the time.
CultureShock asks: Have you had any plastic surgery done? Lips, botox or implants?
Victoria: No, I'm all natural!
Michelle asks: Is it true you use to be married?
Victoria: Yes, I was married for several years but am now divorced. I'm proud to say that my ex husband is one of my bestfriends.
Ben10fan asks: I heard you were a teacher and my question is have your pictures gotten you in any trouble or fired? They're pretty racy.
Victoria: No trouble yet. My coworkers are aware that I am a professional model and some have seen a few of my photos and the issue hasn't come up.
Chris asks: How often do you go to the gym?
Victoria: This question always cracks me up because I haven't been to the gym in ten years! Aside from daily walks, I don't excercise at all.
Matt asks: What's your ethnicity?
Victoria: I'm Puerto Rican American with a touch of Italian.
Ricky asks: Your eyes look different colors in photos. Do you wear contacts?

Ian asks: How much do you pay photographers for your photos?
Victoria: I've only paid one photographer and that was for special portraits I got done for my birthday. Every other photoshoot I've done was either a job I was hired for or a trade with a photographer.
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