1. They will do it again. Cheaters were born cheaters and will die as cheaters. If a man has it in him to cheat on a woman, he will do it again and again and again. This is human nature, something that has been observed and proven by mankind for generations.
2. Change is a lie. Asking for a chance to "change" is second only to denial. It is the same kind of defense mechanism, the same kind of bullshit a cheater will use on you to keep you on his bed. Changing a man's tendency to cheat is like rewriting the very fabric of nature in the name of love. In layman terms, it is impossible.
3. They think you are stupid. Guys only dare cheat when they know their woman won't be suspecting. If you have been cheated on, it only means at least one man in this world believes you're dumb enough for him to get away with it. Considering that, he will cheat on you again next time an opportunity arises.

5. You think you understand them better, but you don't. Girls who are cheated on and are terribly hurt by it are always blinded by their emotions, particularly of love and loss. They close their eyes and ears to the truth around them, telling naysayers that they know their lovers best.
Just because you've seen each other naked and fucked 'till the wee hours of the morning doesn't mean you know him inside out as much as he knows how the inner depths of your pussy feels like. Bystanders have a better grasp of the situation because they have no emotional investment.
6. You will never satisfy them in bed. Unless they're really good in corrupting virgins, cheaters often do the deed with like-minded individuals. That is, they cheat with women who love sex as much as they do and therefore are very much experienced.
You, whose only knowledge in sex comes from encounters with just one guy, will never be able to satisfy your partner. You wouldn't be cheated on if you offered mind-blowing sex in the first place.
7. They are not worth another heartbreak. Cheating is not a one time deal. That means the painful heartbreak you experienced when he cheated will happen again. It's not worth a "second chance", unless you're a miserable pile of shitty who can't find a better guy.
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