1. Comment with your name & email address.
2. Location
3. Must be a follower via Google connect, Twitter, Facebook, or subscribed via email.
Note: Steps 1 - 3 entitles you to 1 entry.
To gain additional points:
4. Retweet this contest (additional 1 point)
5. Repost this contest on your blog with a link back to my blog (additional 3 points)
Sample entry:
1. khymm (email@yahoo.com)
2. Cebu City
3. followed your blog via google/twitter as "username"
4. twitter url post
5. blog post URL
Contest starts now and ends on November 2, 2010.
ONE winner will be chosen via Random.org.
Sorry this is open to Philippine residents only =)
Goodluck everyone!!!

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