Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

Looking for a job and finding discouragement.

Is one of the hardest things to do these days...and it sucks. It's hard NOT to be discouraged when you live in a small town, can't afford to buy a car on your own and "Now Hiring" is a rare site to see.

I'm not completely discouraged otherwise I wouldn't be turning in these 4 applications tomorrow, but I do feel a bit down when I look at them. I realise how bad I messed up by not trying to work as soon as I got out of High school. I feel like I have truly failed myself. I wish I could even get a dang cleaning job, it's something I wouldn't have to look that good for but an area I know I could do well in and earn some experience/money through it. :[ Blah. I know, I'm just complaining...and there are worst cases than mine but I just can't help but vent out these feelings!! I know this is suppose to be about a cosplay thing.......but whatever. I'd like to make more costumes and even earn some money in that area since it's what I want to do. I want to be a designer...*~* But that's later...after I get through the "crap jobs" and earn my way up.

Ahhh.....I wonder if there are many like me with no good work experience, trying to find a job. :[
Even with schooling on the papers, most jobs want to see experience...not all that you know. -sigh- and it's hard to get experience when they're wanting one who already has it..especially at my age. Grrrrrrrr. I screwed up in my life already. (.____.); God help me.......


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