It has been long since I posted something. Been very busy lately. But as promised I'll be featuring Ren Kazama's dream boy, Vice President of NCG. Sonaij. So... Let's get this rolling then.

Sonaij may look manly but don't let his image fool you guys. Deep down he's a loving man. In fact, he loves men.

But he hates women.

He couldn't restrain his love for many men that he one day molested a cosplayer

He was so guilty of what he did that he decided to seek help. But unfortunately he ended up meeting PAL, the president of NCG. Instead of curing his very dangerous love for men.

These guys took him in and promoted him to Vice President.

As Vice President of the group, he gained power. Power over his underlings. With this power, he molested and had relationships with many many boys in his group.

He raped their treasurer

And this weird looking boy.
But despite raping his treasurer, his treasurer turned gay and loved him more. Nobody could give some Good Love the same way sa Sonaij.

But at times other members still get freaked out.

But that won't stop Sonaij, he can find his way into any man's heart.

You might be wondering. Why does PAL let him do these things? Well... Even PAL fell in love with Sonaij.

That is all the time we've got for this week. Usually I'd say tune in again next week, but since I've got a really busy schedule. I'll just say watch out for the next Hall of Shame.
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