Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

Fabric bought!


I finally bought some fabrics I feel very pleased with today! Havn't cut or sew anything yet, so I'm not sure if it will work out yet, but I really hope so. It took the last of my money, and had to borrow 50 bux from michel. Promise I will pay it back in the end of the month! Thanks you! Thanks to him I'll be able to finish the coat in Januari. If he didn't help me out I would have to wait for february!

The new fabric costed alot. 17 dollars a meter (169 SEK)! Needed 3 meters of the white, and 1,40 meters of the red. The red's costed 16 dollars a meter. So I had to pay about 73 dollars for it all (~729 SEK )! Damn, I've already payed about 87-88 dollars on the fabric on this cosplay. But I guess it's worth it.

How much time I've spent so far: ~ 10 hours.

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