Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009

Komikon Awards Winners!

Congratulations to the winners of the2nd Philippine KOMIKON Awards!
Best Graphic Novel / Anthology: Martial Law Babies by Arnold Arre
Best Comic Series: Cast by Jamie Bautista, Nautilus
Best Comic Magazine: Mangaholix by Groundbreakers, Inc.
Best Comic Strip Compilation: Pugad baboy by Pol Medina Jr.
Best Webcomic: Kubori Strips for the Soul by Michael David (
Best Cover: Cast issue 11 by Arnold Arre
Best Comic Creator/s: Arnold Arre
Best Cartoonist: Hazel Manzano, Callwork
Best Komiks Character: Michiko of Ninja Girl Ko!, Mangaholix
Best Comic Scene: Ces’ Poem from Will, Cast issue 10 by Jamie Bautista & Arnold Arre
Grassroot Award:
1st place: Life as Viciously Impossible by Daphne Martinez (Lambchild)
2nd place: Nurse Macho Origins by Mangaholix
3rd place: Kalayaan by Gio Paredes, GMP Comics
Comic Aid Award: Elbert Or and Japan Foundation Manila

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