Rabu, 04 Februari 2009

Another BB Cream review...

I saw a pic from the net regarding the effects of BB Cream, that it will help improve the skin's texture & fade acne scars after prolonged use. It also evens out skintone like foundation but without looking heavy or cakey. Click here for my reviews..

*image from google*

Impressed & intrigued, I decided to try it for myself...

I had my share of breakouts too! January last year, I took pics of myself before using Skinfood BB Cream. I had dark pimple marks, breakouts on my chin & cheek area..

Taken January 15, 2008
Eww, Scary isn't it?!

I bought the Skinfood Gingko BB Cream and immediately used it the following day and saw improvement in a month's time. Click here to read my full review.

Here's my pic taken in February 10, 2008
Notice the date? Its even less than a month =)

Saw the improvement?
My acne scars lightened a bit and my skin texture has improved!

After a month & 7 days from first pic. Taken Feb. 22, 2008
Did you see the difference?

Now I'm still using my Skinfood Gingko Green BB Cream, alternating it with my Skinfood Mushroom BB SPF 20 depending on my activity during the day.

Between the two BB creams I really love the Mushroom coz it has 3 in 1 benefits which is anti-aging, sunblock (spf 20) and whitening (arbutin). The texture is a bit runny compared to the Gingko variant and I super love its smell (think: fresh cut grass)! I love grassy scents!

UPDATE : Here's my pic after year..
Taken February 5, 2009

In the pic I only used Skinfood Mushroom BB Cream & set with Skinfood Buckwheat Loose powder.
Now, my acne scars are barely visible when Im using BB Cream. I can't hardly tell that a year ago, i broke out really bad.. =)


Sorry girls, been very busy lately because of my baby Jillian Keyshia.
Here's her pic btw..

How fast time flies! She's already 4 mos old..

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